Related Software
HTTP Proxy servers
Modules/services written for c-icap
- Python ICAP client, based on c-icap
- SquidClamav, Clamav ICAP service and redirector. It has many interesting features and many people prefer it over the virus_scan service distributed with the c-icap-modules package
- Yara c-icap module. Yara is a tool aimed at helping malware researchers to identify and classify malware samples.
- A ruby module. A few words from Roman Shterenzon, the author of the module: "I created the module for the respmod proof of concept, thus I haven't invested any time to provide reqmod...
I haven't touched the code for a year or so, and I don't think I'll have time to maintain it. Perhaps you can post a link on your site, so hopefully someone picks it up".
- C-ICAP Classify
is a module that allows classification (labeling) of web
pages, images, (and soon video) based, on content. Labels are placed in HTTP Headers. Any PIC-Label
META tags are exported into HTTP headers. This allows for creation of very flexible filters according
to rules defined by the user, using the ICAP enabled proxy's ACLs. This is NOT a URL filter,
so implementing it with sslBump, or similar proxy technologies, makes it very difficult to bypass.
The Text classification is done using Fast Hyperspace (based on Hyperspace from CRM114) and/or a
Fast Naive Bayes. Image and video (when implemented) use haar feature detection from the
OpenCV Library
- Panda antivirus module for virus_scan service. Please contact
Panda Security or the c-icap
author for informations.
Other ICAP servers